Monday 30 July 2012

Introduction: Kirsty Karapas

Hi everyone! My name is Kirsty Karapas, I am 19 years of age and am currently in my second year of the Primary/Middle Education program. My specialist areas are in Visual Art and Home Economics because I absolutely love painting, drawing, etc. as well as baking and cooking in general. I enjoy reading and I have read many different books over the years, my favourite being the Harry Potter series. After having my Mum read the first book to me when I was seven, I became completely mesmerised by the story and the ideas put forth by J.K. Rowling. I have a Tumblr blog so I am familiar with the codes and conventions of blogging, however my blog is mainly aesthetic so I will be adding many pictures to this blog to make it look pretty.


P.S. Here is a picture of one of my scrumptious creations.

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