Sunday 12 August 2012

Group Discussion: Preworkshop tasks Week 4

Group Leader Week 4: Emma

Activity #2 from Winch  p269
Read the extract below:

Form and content:
  • The child is recounting her experiences of the circus in a journalistic manner. It is loosely a narrative as it still maintains some  narrative features.

Text Encoding:
  • Great spelling (only one error throughout).
  • Lack of punctuation and capital use (no evident quotation marks, commas, capitals on proper nouns).
Text Participant:
  • She was excited ("Oh terrific", 'it was good"). She displayed many emotions.
  • She drew on her knowledge of the circus. There was not much knowledge evident besides what she saw whilst there.
  • She knows that her writing needs to make sense to someone else, therefore she has to write in a way that conveys meaning in a conventional manner.

Text user:
  • Expression of emotions:
    • "oh terrific"
    • "lets hurry"
    • "good fun"
    • "very funny"
    • "circus was good"
  •  Therefore, the overall tone of the text was excitement and joy as the child discusses her trip to the circus and the emotions that she feels. 
  • Understands the genre of the text otherwise she would have not have been able to construct a recount.

Text analyst:
  • Ideas to improve Kate's writing.
  • Critical Literacy.
  • View points.

***(focus on what children are doing instead of what they are not)***


  1. Your analysis is fantastic Emma! The main thing I learnt after completing this activity was that teachers should focus on the content, rather than on the technical aspects of students' writing. Once students are competent in writing, the spelling and grammatical errors can be tweaked.


  2. Hi girls! I agree with everyone, as I to also found that it was about the content of the writing, and not about spelling and grammar. However I still believe that spelling and grammar are important to learn about, and this activity would be a great way to find out, what your students would struggle with.

  3. sorry that above comment was by Teresa.

  4. Yes I agree with Kirsty. I had a feeling that the content was more important that the spelling and grammar initially, so it was confirmed to me. So good to be clear about that one.


  5. Yes, I definately agree that is the content children are writing and grammar can be developed as they progress through their spelling challenges. I think its amazing how creative children can be and it is an essential part of developing other aspects of their learning; in particular writing.

  6. Sorry, above from Heather


  7. Yes I still hold to content being more important than spelling and grammar initially. Just another thought on spelling and grammar: I wonder to what extent popular culture with the use of digital literacies (facebook, twitter, emailing, mobile text messaging, etc) has influenced childrens spelling and grammar away from standard English. I would love to be able to discuss this and get your thoughts on it at some stage.


