Sunday 19 August 2012

Group Discussion: Workshop tasks Week 5

Workshop 5 Summary
English Language and Literacy

Hello Everyone!

Here is this week’s workshop summary:

Discussion in small groups:
What is it you know from the lecture and readings?
The Nilsson reading had very good examples in it of story writing. The Kajder reading had some good points about digital story telling.
Photo booth’ video (our group discussion points).
·         Using questions from the lecture to analyse the text
·         The use of colours…black, grey and white. The colour red was used with the car and the blood making the story powerful
·         Lighting in the film was dull-part of the setting, symbolising the bleakness of the situation of war and what was to come (death).
·         The point of the digital narrative is not primarily about the technology, but to enhance the story. Don’t overdo it with using different aspects of technology just because you have it there.

Whole class discussion:
Every decision by the writers are conscious and deliberate.
E.g sound, landscape, clothing, setting.
Our assignments are 3 minutes-makes it harder for the setting to be established. Setting and characterisation need to be established quickly.
Take note of anything you take off the net. It is important as a teacher to use copyright free resources. There may be a license to use the image for non-commercial reasons. In your assignments, incorporate where you got the images from. .
Professional photos may be have a copyright on them.
License on copyright means that there are specified conditions for copyright.
Nilsson article:
·         Tips for people writing extended stories.
·         Putting the character in a difficult situation and the outworking of that can help create suspense for a good story.
·         Dickens asked himself questions about the story and where it was going. E.g. what would that character do? Why would they do that?
·         Story writing: Beginning often written at the end, A non-linear process

Wikibooks: a useful website for digital storytelling

Remember the story always needs to be central in a digital narrative.

Storyboarding: No fixed format

Next assignment: push the boundaries of your skills. Teach yourself something new. You will always need updated skills as a teacher.



  1. Alex, thank you for the detailed discussion response! I think that the topics discussed in this weeks workshop will help us in constructing some innovative narratives for our third assignments.


  2. Great summary! I think that the Nilsson reading will be valuable for our third assignments and will aid us in becoming authors who demonstrate spontaneity.


  3. Thanks Alex, that's great! I think its amazing how there are so many different aspects of a story that as children we don't consider, but there are many things to think about in approaching our next assignment.

  4. Wow Alex! Thank you for that wonderful detailed discussion! My favourite part of this a week was watching that video the photo booth. This video was really enjoyable to watch and there was so much meaning behind the video. I Think that taking in, what techniques this video has used, would really benefit us for the third assignment.


  5. Teresa, that photo booth video was so powerful!! I loved the use of colour. I would love to make a video that amazing!

