Wednesday 1 August 2012

Introduction: Teresa Collela

Hey girls, its Teresa!

Just a few facts so that you are able to get to know me a little better. The Subject English is not really one of my best subjects, hence why I don't enjoy reading alot. However with this in mind, I had the best English teachers in high school, they were really good. I actually loved reading in there classes because they made English so much more enjoyable for me. The books that I tend to lead for are the fantasy novels, I really enjoy the story that they take you on.

One book that I have read, used to be one of my favourites when I was younger. The story was about a teddy bear and him learning how to use the big boys toilets for the first time. This story reminded me about what we were reading this week, and about learning about how children books were often written with significance. Therefore I can understand why children would love to read this book.

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