Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Hey Girls,

This children's picture book, was very interesting. This book is about a child writing to the zoo in search of finding a pet, and the zoo then sends him all these different animals. This book only has a few sentences on either page, and the words are not that hard to say. This book also includes flaps, that when you read the first sentence, you are meant to pull the flap and it reveals the animal inside and then you can read the sentences under the animal.

However the only problem that I found with this, was that they never say what the animal is. For example the first animal that they send the boy is an elephant, however when the flap is pulled down, there is an elephant but it does not say that it is, just that it is too, and the boy is going to send him back.

A part from that, I think this book will be very engaging to the reader. Books that allow the reader to interact with the book will always be more engaging. Even if a child can not read the book, he can still participant in reading, by pulling the flaps.


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