Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby by George Beard and Harold Hutchins

Hi girls!

This novel was written by the creators of  the captain underpants series. This novel is about two children who are meant to be the creators  of Captain Underpants, however feel that it is time to introduce a new character to save the world. This new character is of course called Super Diaper Baby.

It is evident from reading this novel that it was meant to make children laugh. There are pictures continously throughout this novel, like a comic book. It is also evident that this book has two different things happening at once. The words tell a different story than what the pictures do, for example the super baby just finished bashing up a crook, and the words that are there, show that they are concerned about the baby. While there are pictures of the crook lying on the ground, there is a nurse that appears in the picture, however she steps on the crook just to get to the baby. In this example the nurse shouts that she is a nurse, and we are assuming that it is for the crook but the pictures tell us another wise.

This novel is very engaging for reader, it also has 'flip o rama' throughout each chapter. This is when the writer tells the reader to place his left hand here and right thumb here, and turn the page. This is very engaging for the reader, as we are interacting with the novel and the writter.

Overall I really enjoyed reading this novel, it was most certainy different from anyother novel that I have written. This is a good thing, as if every novel was written the same way and had the same structure, it would not be very fun and would not leave much to the imagination.


P.s Girls I found this website, which has games about this novel, which the students in our class would love to do. http://www.pilkey.com/bookview.php?id=33

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