Friday 28 September 2012

Man vs Beast Robert Muchamore

At placement they've had a real problem with the boys in upper primary years reading novels. I thought I could read something that the boys might enjoy...
This is the sixth book in the cherub series it starts when a 14 year old boy witnesses his mother getting assaulted by two masked men who are working for the Animal Freedom Militia as his mother works for a research company that experiments on animals.
James is the main character in all the Cherub books and he and his friends are Cherub agents they are all teenagers, they wear skate t-shirts and look like regular kids, but they're not. They are trained professionals who are sent out on missions to spy on terrorists and international drug dealers. Cherub agents hack into computers, bug houses and download crucial documents. Mainstream animal protection groups have always stayed within the law, but there’s a new band of liberationists argues that if humans and animals are equal, then it's right to kill or threaten one human in order to save the lives of many animals. Together James, Lauren and Kyle are sent on a mission to bring down the Animal Freedom Militia, they succeed in their mission and return home.
There was a lot of action throughout the novel, the issues the teenagers were dealing with are very similar to the issues year 7 – 10 students are dealing with and I feel they would be able to connect to the text better than I did. On a mission Lauren becomes a vegetarian because of all the animal torture she has witnessed. Kyle finds a boy called David and they are together throughout the rest of the book, Kyle isn't very popular on campus anymore. I would only recommend this text to boys who are interested in cruelty to animals as it can be very disturbing.
I didn’t really enjoy the style of writing, the text has many problems and resolutions however I felt there were too many character’s having conversations that were hard to keep up with. The story is narrated from the third person, but each scene would have about four different characters talking throughout most of the text and I struggled to connect with the text.

for more in the series


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