Sunday 2 September 2012

Possum Magic & Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

I picked up Possum Magic because it is a well known title and I don't recall ever reading the story.

I liked how the story was illustrated and the first illustration that stood out to me was when Hush was turning invisible. You can see the outline of Hush in consecutive drawings but with certain parts of the body not coloured in. Then when Hush is completely invisible, the outline is still there, but with Hush doing secret things as an unseen character. These secret things appeal to children and the story shows that Hush is safe from snakes while being invisible.

When Grandma Poss can't find a way to make Hush visible again, there starts the quest to find the answer in different states of Australia and with different traditional Australian foods.

Hush tells Grandma Poss not to worry when she can't find a cure to be made visible again, but in Hush's heart of hearts, she is worried. Again, a sense of secrecy that children can relate to by way of thoughts and feelings.

At the end of the story when they find the foods that cure her, they make sure that Hush eats a vegemite sandwich, a piece of pavlova and half a lamington once a year to ensure that she stays visible.

 I think children up to around Grade 3 would enjoy this book.

I read another Mem Fox book, 'Whoever You Are'. This book is clearly written with a message in mind. It tells all children that no matter their culture, race, place where they live or food that they eat, and so on- that inside we are all  the same. We have a heart, and laugh and feel joy, and feel pain and cry. It implies that even though we are diverse that we all can relate and need to be accepting of one another. This book is written in the second person as the narrator is speaking directly to 'you'-the audience. It can possibly be used for a first awareness of young children to cultural diversity and acceptance of people.

This link may be useful for lesson plans: 


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