Saturday 22 September 2012

The Butt Book by Artie Bennett

Just by looking at the cover and title of the book you can tell that this book is set for the maturity age of a four or five year old child, with its illustrations of butts of all different forms.
It makes the reader on a journey of many butts from different countries and people. The reader is taken on a journey with the purpose for them to develop an appreciation of the buttocks.
Bennett cleverly uses alliteration and rhyme to allow the story to flow.
Eyes and ears are much respected.
But the butt has been neglected”
This alliteration and rhyme is evident throughout the entirety of the book which allows it to flow and aids the reader in understanding words that might not make sense to them.

As well as employing literary practices, Bennett is teaching the students about historical periods in time, such as the Egyptians and their mummies, Indians and the dinosaurs. 

The illustrations of this book are very supportive to the text and are quite humourous. Many children love potty humour and this book is full of it.
Also there are many puns throughout the book. It ends with “So respect your butt and listen, folks. It must not be the butt of jokes. Bottoms up! Hip, hi, hooray! Our useful butts are here to stay. Don’t undercut your butt, my friend. Your butt will thank you in the end.”

Overall this book is a great way to intrigue readers who may not have yet developed a passion for reading. Humour is a great way to make children enjoy reading. 

By Emma Windebank

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